Fresh Royal Jelly helps women with Menopause symptoms

The nutritional content of royal jelly is a potential benefit in itself as the substance provides a range of essential nutrients that are necessary for good health. Royal jelly comprises:
- water (50 to 60 percent)
- proteins (18 percent)
- carbohydrates (15 percent)
- lipids (3 to 6 percent)
- mineral salts (1.5 percent)
There are small amounts of vitamins and minerals in royal jelly, including several types of vitamin B. It also contains some polyphenols, which are a type of plant-based chemical that is rich in antioxidants.
Royal jelly may provide relief from the symptoms of menopause.
A 2011 study looked at the effect of a combination of four natural ingredients, including royal jelly, on menstrual symptoms. The researchers gave 120 women either a capsule containing the four ingredients or a placebo twice a day over 4 weeks.
The women in both groups noted a reduction in symptoms, but those who took the capsule had significantly better results than those in the placebo group.
A more recent study found that taking 150 milligrams of royal jelly daily over 3 months could help improve cholesterol levels in healthy postmenopausal women.
Premenstrual syndrome
Royal jelly may also be beneficial for people with premenstrual syndrome.
In a 2014 study, the investigators gave 110 participants either a royal jelly capsule or a placebo once every day over two menstrual cycles. The participants who took the royal jelly capsules had less severe premenstrual syndrome symptoms over the 2 months.
CAUTION: Our Royal Jelly product, which has been manufactured and sold by Everhealth for 30 years, are being sold as counterfeit products in Korea. THIS IS OUR NEW DESIGN, MAKE SURE IT LOOKS LIKE THIS.
FDA DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.